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Schwartz Rounds Program

Community Medical Centers is introducing the Schwartz Rounds®  program at Community Regional Medical Center to support our employees in recognizing, understanding, and managing compassion fatigue. The program is a multidisciplinary forum where participants can reflect on the emotional and social issues they face in caring for patients.

The goals of the program are to:

  • Improve relationships and communication with patients as well as among employees and care providers

  • Enhance support for employees and care providers

  • Provide a safe forum in which employees and care providers can share experiences, dilemmas, and joys

All employees and care providers are encouraged to attend the Schwartz Rounds program sessions, including physicians, nurses, social workers, allied health professionals, security officers, housekeepers, and food service workers.

How does the program work?

A multidisciplinary team from Community Medical Centers' manages the Schwartz Rounds program and selects topics and panelists.

Each session will feature a different topic where a panel of presenters will share their perspectives and experiences. Then participants are encouraged to engage with the panel and share their own experiences.

The rounds will be held six times a year. Food will be available at each round session and the program will begin promptly at noon. Registration is not required, but doors will close once the room reaches capacity - seating is limited.